Skin Tag , Mole & Age Spots Removal
Laser surgery is a great option for those looking to remove skin tag, mole or age spots because it is quick, painless,and heals right away.
*$25-$50 each depending on the size.
*Remove 5 to 10 = package price
*Age spot price may be vary depending on the amount of spots.
Tattoo Laser Removal
Minimum $80
How does laser tattoo removal work?
Laser remove tattoos by breaking up the pigment colors with a high-intensity light beam. Lasers are focused beams of light directed onto your skin. Lasers heat up the ink particles in your skin to break them down into smaller particles, which are easier for your immune system to remove.
How many sessions does it typically take to remove a tattoo?
The number of sessions required to remove a tattoo can vary greatly depending on factors like the size, location, colors used in the tattoo, and the individual's skin type. On average, it could take anywhere from 5-14 sessions.
Is tattoo removal painful?
The pain level can be vary and it often compared to the sensation of a rubber band snapping against the skin. However we use local anesthesia to minimize the discomfort.
What to expect after session?
Mild warming, swelling and tenderness for the next 2-5 days. After a few days the top layer of the skin (epidermis) will look fully healed, but it's important to keep in mind that the internal dermis layer can take 4-6 weeks to fully heal. We highly recommend all clients avoid:
- Exposing the area to heat
- Extended sunlight exposure
- Friction
- Soaking in hot water
- Sauna
- Hot yoga
- Over bandaging